Ovarian cyst Almaty
Ovarian cyst
Ovarian cyst (tumor-like formations of the ovary, synonym: cystic formations) is an anatomical structure in the form of a rounded cavity filled with fluid that develops in the ovary. Cyst sizes can range from a few millimeters to several tens of centimeters. Ovarian cysts account for about half of all ovarian tumors. Women of reproductive age are most susceptible to this pathology.
Ovarian cyst is a multifactorial condition representing a combination of various causes. Among the reasons:
- genetic predisposition;
- hormonal imbalance;
- late menopause;
- ovarian dysfunction;
- abortions;
- hypothyroidism;
- diabetes mellitus;
- high-calorie diet;
- recurrent inflammatory diseases of the genitals (adnexitis, endometriosis);
- tobacco smoking.
It should be remembered that after the treatment of cysts, there may be relapses, so it is necessary to regularly undergo a gynecologist’s examination and follow their recommendations. Specific prevention of ovarian cysts is not implemented.
Ovarian cysts are manifested by the following symptoms:
- paroxysmal pains in the middle of the cycle;
- irregular menstruation;
- pulling pains and abdominal discomfort during sexual intercourse;
- nausea, false urge to defecate, and urinate.
In addition to medical history and a physical examination, the following research is conducted:
- gynecological ultrasound;
- ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
- determination of tumor markers;
- hormonal research;
- MRI of abdominal organs;
- vaginal examination with smear microscopy;
- hysteroscopy and separate diagnostic curettage.
Follicular (functional) cysts tend to disappear spontaneously. Long-term existing or recurrent functional ovarian cysts may require medical treatment.
The duration of treatment and dynamic observation of functional formations is typically no more than 12 weeks. The absence of positive changes after the end of this period is an indication for surgical intervention, which is carried out with maximum organ preservation. Twisting of the leg of the ovarian cyst or rupture of its capsule is an indication for emergency surgery. After surgery, a follow-up ultrasound examination is performed.
If a woman is diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, then pregnancy can be planned only after the type of cystic formation is established. It is possible to get pregnant with an ovarian cyst, but pregnancy is recommended to be carried out under strict medical supervision.