All about IVF in Kazakhstan. What is IVF? Guarantees? Preparation? Results?

Questions and Answers

  • When can we talk about infertility? If pregnancy does not occur within one year with regular unprotected sexual activity, then infertility can be assumed and examination of both spouses can begin.
  • How long does it take to investigate the causes of infertility? The period of examination of a married couple should not exceed 6 months. Is it always possible to diagnose the causes of infertility? Unfortunately, despite the rapid development of reproductive technologies, it is not always possible to establish the cause of infertility. Sometimes it is necessary to conduct a trial course of treatment, based on the results of which the diagnosis is clarified and a decision is made to change the treatment method.
  • What are the guarantees of pregnancy? Natural human fertility is low. The probability of pregnancy in women with regular sexual life and complete health of both spouses is only 15-20% in one menstrual cycle. In the IVF and PE program, such schemes of superovulation stimulation have been developed that increase this indicator twofold, i.e. up to 40% in one attempt. But no IVF center can guarantee 100% success in one attempt.
  • What is IVF? ЭКО (экстракорпоральное оплодотворение) – это оплодотворение яйцеклетки вне организма женщины, «в пробирке». Метод ЭКО на сегодняшний день является самым эффективным методом лечения бесплодия. Он применяется в случае непроходимости или отсутствия маточных труб, при мужском факторе бесплодия, при эндометриозе, патологии яичников, бесплодии неясной причины, а также в случаях неэффективности других методов лечения.
  • What stages does IVF consist of? The main stages of IVF treatment are: stimulation of superovulation with hormonal drugs; puncture of follicles and extraction of eggs; fertilization of eggs with the sperm of a spouse or donor “in vitro”; transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity, and, if necessary, freezing of the remaining embryos.
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