Electrocardiography (ECG)

Electrocardiography (ECG) is the most commonly used method for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. It provides valuable information for identifying rhythm disturbances, cardiac conduction issues, signs of coronary blood flow disorders, and scarring changes in the heart.

The ECG method is based on the recording of electrical potentials generated by the heart muscle. When a part of the heart muscle experiences oxygen deprivation, the electrical activity in that area undergoes changes, which are immediately reflected on the ECG. In essence, an electrocardiogram is a graphical representation of the potential differences resulting from the heart’s functioning and transmitted to the body’s surface.

Electrocardiography can serve various purposes, including:

  • Assess the efficacy of cardiac medications, pacemakers, and other therapeutic interventions.
  • Detect and monitor the progression of heart conditions such as arrhythmia, intracardiac conduction disorders (blockade), and metabolic imbalances critical for heart function (e.g., potassium, magnesium, calcium levels).
  • Identify myocardial damage, assess the heart’s physical condition, and diagnose acute cardiac pathologies and extra-cardiac conditions (e.g., pulmonary embolism).

ECG is a straightforward procedure with minimal contraindications. It can be performed on pregnant women and even newborns upon discharge from the maternity hospital. In emergency situations, ECGs can be conducted by paramedics in an ambulance, at the patient’s residence, or even outdoors.

Most frequently, the procedure is conducted in local clinics, hospitals, specialized medical facilities, and sanatorium-resort establishments. It typically takes no longer than 10 minutes and causes absolutely no discomfort to the individual undergoing it.

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