Attention! New schedule of work in Nur Sultan

Our clinic has switched to a new work schedule.

In compliance with the requirements of the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 44 dated 07/03/2020 On the Introduction of Strict restrictive quarantine Measures in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection among the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the following quarantine measures have been introduced at the ECOMED clinic:

— Admission of patients is strictly by appointment.
— Admission of all types of tests is carried out strictly by appointment.
— Accompanying persons are prohibited on the territory of the clinic. If outside help is needed to accompany an incapacitated patient, only one accompanying person is allowed on the territory of the clinic.
— On the eve of the appointment, a telephone survey of patients about their health status is conducted. If signs of SARS are detected, the appointment will be offered to be postponed no earlier than 2 weeks later.
— Thermometry is performed before admission to the clinic.
— The results of laboratory tests are sent only to the patient’s email or WhatsApp. In this regard, blood/biomaterial sampling for tests is carried out only if you provide an email address and a mobile number.

In order to avoid the spread and infection of COVID-19, we ask you to take all precautions in the clinic:
— Wear protective masks
— Keep a distance of 1-1.5 meters
— Treat your hands with a disinfectant.

Information on the clinic’s work will be updated as it becomes available.

Thank you for understanding! Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Sincerely, ECOMED Clinic